Color therapy is used to treat a variety of ailments, but what exactly are the advantages of color therapy for today’s modern individual?
Think for a moment about the thought and planning that goes into the color and design of a candy bar wrapper. Countless hours are dedicated to creating a visually appealing and persuasive color scheme that the marketing team feels will compel consumers to purchase and consume greater quantities of their favorite sweet snack. There is an undeniable correlation between color and mood, color and decision-making, and color and health. Color therapy, defined as a system of alternative medicine that is based on the use of color – especially projected colored light, has proven effective when used in a healthcare setting. Here are some of the advantages of color therapy that have emerged in recent times:
Better sleep: Color therapy has been used to improve and regulate sleep patterns, and the melatonin levels that are suppressed during times of light exposure can help one to sleep more easily during the evening hours. Color and light therapy has been used to regulate sleep patterns, as many therapists will expose patients to large doses of light at midday to suppress melatonin and give a wakeup call to the body.
Treat chronic pain: The color red has been shown to lower the frequency of wavelengths within the body, which can minimize pain through less stimulation of painful areas. Red-colored light may also stimulate circulation, strengthen the heart, and reduce inflammation and swelling in the body. Therapists have even used red color therapy to treat Tourette’s Syndrome in patients.
Stimulate oxygen in the body: The color orange has been used for years to stimulate the lungs and thyroid gland – which can increase the oxygen levels in the body. Orange has been shown to increase milk production in lactating mothers, and it may help patients who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), asthma, bronchitis, or other respiratory concerns.
Vision benefits: Yellow light therapy has been used to treat eyesight issues – especially those related to night blindness or difficulties seeing at night. The yellow wavelength filters out blue light, which impedes nighttime vision. Yellow light has also been used to improve arthritis symptoms, with many therapeutic baths or spas using yellow lights in conjunction with water spa jets to enhance comfort in patients.
Calming mood: Though blue is generally considered a calming color, aqua blue delivers the ultimate in harmony due to its mild sedative effect. While a dose of aqua light will never deliver a knockout punch of serenity, it can provide some relief from stress, anxiety, and even headaches.
Color therapy is one way that healthcare professionals can provide real, lasting relief for patients of all ages. While the benefits of color therapy are universally applicable to most age groups, seniors tend to realize significant benefits when this type of therapy is employed. From minimizing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms to enhancing sleep patterns, color therapy has been proven to help those of all ages to reduce pain, enhance mental health, and boost overall wellness.